The Sudbury Branch offers a number of workshops and presentations in Sudbury and across North Eastern Ontario.
Serving People With Hearing Loss
These workshops are designed to help people with hearing loss become more informed about hearing loss, how to live, work and cope with it.
For Family and Friends, Or Anyone Else
They are also a wonderful resource for family and friends of those with hearing loss. In fact, anyone interested to learn more (i.e. health professionals, co-workers, employers) will find these workshops to be an excellent resource.
Our workshops have become very popular, often resulting in waiting lists of people who want to participate. Check out our events page frequently for announcements of upcoming events and workshops or consider becoming a member of CHHA and you will receive a notice via mail or email.
If you would like us to present one of these free seminars (or another topic of your choice) during business or after hours, please contact us and we can arrange a meeting at your convenience.
Living and Working With Hearing Loss Workshops
Speech/Lip Reading
An Introduction to the art of Speech Reading for those with hearing loss and their families.
Hearing Loss 101
Recognizing the early signs, coping strategies, hearing aids, general information.
Living With Tinnitus
Coping techniques and learning to live with ringing/buzzing in your head.
Hearing Loss and the Workplace
Introduction to technologies available to make the workplace more “accessible”.
Hearing Loss and Prevention
How to avoid hearing loss and slow down the progress of existing loss.
The ABC’s of ALDs
Assistive Listening Devices
A demonstration of various devices available to enhance the “hearing” experience.
The Truth about Hearing Aids
Learn exactly what to expect from your hearing aid – what it can and cannot do.
Hearing Loss and Sensitivity Training
What others should know when communicating/working with the hard of hearing.
Hear The North (Looping)
Learn how to make your location hearing accessible.
Learning to Hear
For Cochlear Implant (CI) Recipients.